for what types of dangers does the haunted witch trials have a duty to warn its patrons?

Top Ten Most Haunted Places in Salem, MA - Photo

Acme Ten Most Haunted Places in Salem

When well-nigh people call back of Salem, Massachusetts, the commencement thing that comes to their mind is the famous witch trials of the late 1600s. Betwixt 1692 and 1693, more than 200 people were accused of practicing witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts. 19 of the people accused were found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging, while one human was crushed to death as punishment for refusing to plead either guilty or innocent. Several other people died while being held under horrific conditions in prison.

The Salem witch trials were i of the deadliest examples of mass hysteria in colonial America, and many people believe that the night forces at play during this era accept left a permanent mark on the town of Salem. Notwithstanding, it'due south not but witches that lend to Salem's reputation as a place of supernatural power… Check out the top ten most haunted places in Salem!

#x: In a Hog'southward Heart

in a pig's eye

Now a popular restaurant, In a Pig's Center was once located in the heart of Salem'south seedy underbelly. Many taverns, brothels, and underground tunnels stood in this expanse of the boondocks, and it'south believed that sea captains docking at the nearby Derby Wharf would kidnap unsuspecting immature men from the area and force them into service aboard their ships.

The eatery is believed to be haunted by the spirits of several sailors who either died at ocean or were killed while on shore in Salem, and many people have reported hearing disembodied voices or seeing shadow figures flit through the eating house.

#9: Wicked Good Books

wicked good books

Like In a Sus scrofa's Eye, Wicked Good Books is located above some of the centuries-sometime tunnels which crisscross the length of Salem. The owner of the establishment came upon the tunnels while renovating the site, and paranormal investigators discovered desecrated human remains in the hidden tunnels beneath the shop.

It's been reported that books often fly off the shelves of their own accord, and many patrons of the shop take seen shadow figures and apparitions hovering in the corners. The store has plant the silver lining in the hauntings, though, and has made a proper name for itself equally Salem's Haunted Bookstore.

#8: Hawthorne Hotel

hawthorne hotel

Built in 1923, the Hawthorne Hotel is one of the (comparatively) newer haunts in Salem. It's believed that the hotel is congenital on the site of an apple tree orchard that was endemic by Bridget Bishop, the first victim of the witch trials. Guests have ofttimes reported smelling apples around the hotel also as seeing an apparition of a woman roaming the halls.

Room 612 is believed to exist the most haunted room in the hotel, and many guests have reported seeing the figure of a woman standing outside the door. Room 325 is as well considered to be ane of the hotel'south paranormal hotspots, with reports of faucets turning on by themselves, lights flickering, and the sound of a baby crying being heard. Employees and guests of the hotel believe Bridget Bishop is source of these paranormal encounters.

#7: The Lyceum

lyceum seafood

The Salem Lyceum was established in 1830 every bit one of many similar institutions in the country designed to deliver lectures, debates, and seminars to the public. The Lyceum is now known as Turner's Seafood, only for many decades the site played host to dozens of famous speakers and intellectuals, including Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Quincy Adams, and Frederick Douglass. Alexander Graham Bong fifty-fifty outset demonstrated the use of the telephone at the Salem Lyceum in 1877.

Many believe the Lyceum is haunted by the spirit of Bridget Bishop, while others think the apparition is that of another "witch" who was hanged during the trials. Poltergeist activity has been reported in the building, and employees take witnessed boxes beingness thrown, objects flying off shelves, and having the feeling of being pushed or touched by an unseen entity.

#6: Salem Jail

salem jail

The historic Salem jail housed prisoners for almost 200 years, operating from its construction in 1813 until its abandonment in 1991. The old building stood vacant for several decades before plans were made for it to be renovated and converted into apartments, a restaurant space, and an exhibit on the jail's history.

Although the Salem jail was created long after the witch trials, it's said that the construction was built on the same site equally the dungeon where "witches" were once held. The erstwhile Salem jailhouse held prisoners in bloodcurdling conditions, with clay floors, lice-ridden bedding, and freezing winter weather condition. Many prisoners died from illness or injuries sustained while in detention. Though the Salem jail of today houses residents of a different kind, it's sure the negative energies accumulated over the centuries accept contributed to the rumors of apparitions, cold spots, and poltergeist activeness in the edifice.

#5: Proctor'southward Ledge

proctors ledge

Because of the difficulty of interpreting historical texts and records, there has been some contention every bit to the verbal location of the infamous hangings of the Salem witch trials. However, thanks to the efforts of a local historical guild, the true location of the gallows has been determined to be Proctor'southward Ledge, a small-scale colina between Proctor Street and Pope Street in Salem.

Proctor's Ledge was not merely the site of many horrific executions but also served as the unceremonious dumping grounds of many "witches'" bodies. Many of the accused had their corpses thrown in a crevice nigh the gallows rather than being properly cached because, equally ane report claimed, "to touch a witch corpse was malignant." Witches or not, Proctor's Ledge has an undoubtedly dark energy from the injustice and atrocities committed at that place centuries ago.

#four: Turner-Ingersoll Mansion

turner-ingersoll museum

The inspiration for Nathaniel Hawthorne'south famous novel The House of the Vii Gables , the Turner-Ingersoll Mansion—or, the Turner House—is 1 of the oldest and almost famous homes in New England. The original structure was congenital in 1668 by sea captain John Turner, and through the years the house was expanded and added onto until information technology became the stately, seven-gabled mansion Hawthorne immortalized.

Captain Turner died at bounding main not long after edifice the home, which was a common fate for many bounding main-faring Salem men at the time. Nevertheless, the Turner family seemed to be cursed with misfortune, and the mansion stood witness to several more family deaths over the years. Mayhap this grim history explains why the mansion is believed to exist so haunted. Visitors to the home have reported witnessing several apparitions, including a piffling boy in the attic and a adult female thought to be a member of the Ingersoll family, who took ownership of the house afterwards it passed out of the Turners' hands.

Perhaps Hawthorne's description of the house all-time explains its foreign and fascinating aureola: "Information technology was itself like a great human center, with a life of its own, and total of rich and sombre reminiscences…. You could not laissez passer information technology without the thought that it had secrets to keep."

#3: The Old Burial Point Cemetery

the old burying point cemetery

As with any cemetery, the Sometime Burying Bespeak Cemetery is said to exist habitation to many different spirits. Established in 1637, it'south the oldest cemetery in Salem too as 1 of the oldest in the country. Many important urban center figures are cached hither, but maybe well-nigh cheering is Judge John Hathorne, the "Hanging Judge." Hathorne presided over many of the witch trials and was known to exist a cruel, unforgiving judge who sent virtually of his cases to the gallows—guilty or not.

It'south said the spirit of Hathorne often makes appearances in the Erstwhile Burying Point Cemetery, and many visitors to the site have captured a shadowy figure on camera near the Judge'southward 300 year-old grave. Equally author Nathaniel Hawthorne, the great-bang-up grandson of Hathorne, said of the Hanging Guess, "[he] made himself so conspicuous in the martyrdom of witches, that their claret may fairly exist said to take left a stain on him."

#2: The Witch Business firm

the witch house

Too known as the Corwin House, this structure is the simply remaining building in Salem with direct ties to the witch trials. The firm originally belonged to Guess Jonathan Corwin, a estimate who served on the court which sentenced 19 people to death by hanging for witchcraft.

The house has stood for virtually 400 years—a feat in and of itself—and is now open to the public as a museum. Many people believe that because of Corwin's involvement with the witch trials, the habitation is haunted past the spirits of the people he sentenced to expiry. Others merits Corwin himself haunts the dwelling in improver to 4 of his children who died early in life within the firm. Visitors to the site accept captured foreign figures on film too as reporting cold spots and strange presences.=

#1: Joshua Ward Business firm

joshua ward house

This stately manor is thought to be the most haunted habitation in Salem. The firm was built on the footprint of the home endemic by George Corwin, a malicious sheriff who tortured victims of the Witch Trials and who is thought to still haunt the site.

Among Corwin'south more than horrific deeds was the supervision of the "pressing" of Giles Corey, an 81 year-old human who was accused of witchcraft. Afterwards refusing to plead either guilty or innocent in court, Corey was punished past beingness laid on his back and having heavier and heavier weights piled onto a plank across his body. The old human suffocated equally his ribcage and organs were slowly compressed, and some legends claim that with his concluding breath he cursed Corwin and the town of Salem.

Though the Joshua Ward house is thoroughly entrenched in legend and superstition, many believe that Giles Corey's curse condemned Sheriff Corwin's spirit to wander the world for eternity, and in the basement of the home many visitors accept experienced feeling choked by an unseen force.

"Something wicked this way comes…"

At that place'south no doubt that Salem has been irrevocably marked by the Witch Trials which took place more than 300 years agone. The town is nevertheless home to so many of the structures and sites which stood witness of the atrocities of the 1690s that many believe Salem is one of the well-nigh haunted places in the Us. Whether you're in town to relish the sights of New England or searching for something a little more sinister, be sure to check out some of these historic and haunted places in Salem.


Header image:

In a Pig'southward Heart: https://world wide

Wicked Good Books:

Hawthorne Hotel: https://world wide

Lyceum: https://world wide;

Salem Jail: https://world wide ;

Proctor's Ledge:

Turner-Ingersoll Mansion: ;

Onetime Burial Signal Cemetery:

Witch House:

Joshua Ward House:; firm-joshua-ward-house/


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